
Garden Party 2.0

The Garden Party went great!!!
We had so much fun and so many people got to see our house!
Good job to everyone who showed up!
If you didn't come, this is what you missed:

1. Home-made bread.  A mozzarella loaf, a sugar and Cinnamon loaf, and two garlic and onion loafs.

2. Chocolate donut holes with a chocolate chip in the middle (sometimes 2 chips, sometimes even 5!)

3. Home Baked Corn Tortilla Chips!

4. Baked Ziti: one with tofu sausage and one with real sausage.

5. We also made lentil balls with pesto sauce and Well-Fed brought some awesome banana bread and watermelon.

Conclusion: Garden Parties are fun, funny, and cool!

1 comment:

  1. yeah, and then there were those really gross lentil balls. yuck
