
Urban Gardening

There are some crazy ideas floating around about new ways for urban gardening.

One of the craziest but also most practical seeming is the Volet végétal, an outside the window gardening trapdoor.  French people are into it and it can be moved inside the house easily if the weather demands such measures. 
 The other crazy idea I found the other day that seems to be stirring up some controversy is Bus Roots, the senior thesis of NYU grad Marco Cosio.  People criticize it for adding dirt and water weight to the buses which would cause the bus to burn more fuel as it carried the weight around the city. 

However crazy these ideas and other sidewalk gardens may sound, they demonstrate the growing trends of urban gardening and provide hope that some day soon it could become normal in America to eat a vegetable you pulled straight from the ground, to interact with your neighbors while planting chard, and to work for a full day in the garden to see your food grow a month or two down the road.

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