
Beer of the Week

Hello Loyal fans!

We come to you again to provide you with a guide for your next indulgence in hoppy goodness! Today, we bring you Kellerweis Hefeweizen (don't ask me what it means), from our good friends at Sierra Nevada brewery. The bottle tells us what it is supposed to taste like, but no one tells us what to do! We are FOOD JUSTICE HOUSE! Anyways, with all these German or whatever words thrown about, this beer is shrouded in mysteries. For all I know Kellerweis could mean it is pig's stomach fluid based. However, I trust that Sierra Nevada would not trick their fans like that. Here we go:

Dan: Unhealthy, really dehydrated urine, but a beautiful color.
Noah: Opaque and yellow.
Ben: Wet honey.

Dan: Fruity, the most pungent beer I've smelled.
Noah: Watery beer, with old fruit.
Ben: Weird.

Dan: Refreshing initially. Bananas.
Noah: Watery beer, not much flavor to me.
Ben: I just brushed my teeth and it still tastes good.

Dan: The only beer I've ever drank, that I could wake up in the morning and drink it and not feel like a terrible human being. One of my favorites.
Noah: I have to disagree completely. Tastes weak, and for similar flavor you can just get cheap beer.
Ben: I usually look down on Sierra Nevada, but not on this beer.

H8rs gon h8. Krunkability lives:

Look at #Mittromney on that fixie! Go back to Sliver Lake, bro.

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