
NY Bans Suggary Soda

Following in the footsteps of sugar awareness campaigns and calorie display mandates, New York has become the first city to ban the selling of soft drinks over 16oz according to a Los Angeles Times article.  According to one poll, New Yorkers are split 53% to 42% opposed vs in favor of the ban, group that adamantly against the ban and looking to pursue legal action against it are restaurants, delis, cinemas, sports venues, and food trucks.  Luckily for Mayor Bloomberg, he chose the right city to implement the ban in as a lower percentage of New Yorkers oppose the ban than a nation wide poll showed.

"Depending on the point of view, the rule is a violation of basic human rights; a measure to protect children from lives of diabetes, heart disease and other ills; an economic misstep; or a necessary move toward curbing New York’s obesity problem."  Others opposed to the ruling say that the money spent enforcing could more effectively be used on other projects including after school programs that emphasize education and physical activity or healthy eating.

This is not the first time that Bloomberg has limited or banned items in the guise of public health, ex cigarettes and artificial fats.  The implications of the government forcing maximums and limits are scary, but so is the alternative of near a whole population of unhealthy and overweight individuals.


My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius

Lagunitas MAXIMUS


Today we review MAXIMUS, a potent IPA from one of our house's favorite breweries. They have been making quite a big splash on the national beer scene, but we are so hip we've been drinking it ever since we were of drinking age. This beer boasts bold flavors and wonderful craftsmanship, we can't wait to guide you towards a great sudsy experience. Oh by the way, our house's favorite show, The Voice, is back on the air tomorrow night. Being the biggest fans has its perks as we were able to get Cee Lo Green's cat Purrrfect the Cat to help us out. Here we go!

Dan: Like what pumpkin juice would look like. Ahh the changing seasons.
Purrrfect the Cat: WUT IZ CULORZ?!?
Julia: Grade B syrup.
Noah: Brown muddled with orange, a very pleasant fall color.

Dan: Light and sweet.
Julia: Grizzly bear.
Noah: Sweet and light.

Dan: Beer to the max. Better once it's been in the air, more rounded.
Purrrfect the Cat: THIS NO FANCY FEAST!!
Noah: Sweet, but intense.

Dan: Good sipper.
Purrrfect the Cat: LITTER BOX POUR!
Julia: Burpppp.
Noah: Packs quite a punch.

Crunkability: 8.2%/$10.50=0.78095238


As the seasons change, this IPA is a great cozy beer that we can safely say brings smiles to our faces. It makes me think of crunching leaves, sweaters, and brisk mornings. I highly recommend this and almost all Lagunitas brews if you desire bold flavors. Enjoy!

#TheVoice #StorageWars #Autumn #ClintEastwood #TasteBros